HMP supports preserving the balconies on the historic Kenesaw Apartment/Renaissance Condominium Building at the corner of 16th and Irving Streets and financial assistance to qualifying owners.
HMP joined with the DC Preservation League as Intervenor in the appeal to the Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation of the unanimous decision of the Historic Preservation Review Board to deny the application by the Renaissance Condominium Association to remove balconies from the historic Kenesaw Apartment Building at the corner of 16th and Irving Streets. HMP has also supported efforts expand the Targeted Homeowners Grant program to provide financial assistance to qualifying owners of units to help alleviate the cost burden of replacing the balconies. The Historic Preservation Office has already approved 14 grants to individual owners within the building for a total of $224,000 under the Targeted Homeowners Grant Program and is continuing to process applications from other owners within the building. The following documents provide the background on HMP’s participation in these proceedings.
20211202 Kenesaw MA Request for Party Status
20220125 Kenesaw – Request for Dismissal
20220223 Kenesaw – Request for Dismissal or Postponement
20220228 DCPL-HMP to MA on Kenesaw
Intervenors DCPL and HMP in Case 21-219 Proposed Decision and Order